
What is the difference between mammography and ultrasound?

Radiography is a well-known exam used in several specialties in the health area. From it, it is possible to have a more detailed analysis of the person: with analysis of bones, muscles and organs in general. It is also the basis for the mammography, the main exam for early detection of breast cancer.

Do you know the difference between mammography and breast ultrasound? Check out all the details below and understand the importance of these exams for women's health.

What is Mammography

This is the most common examination to diagnose the presence of lumps or microcalcifications in the breast. The exam must be done annually by women over 40 years old, as a method of early detection of breast cancer. After all, the chances of curing the disease are up to 95% when it is detected early.

What is Breast Ultrasound

The breast ultrasound may help the physician in the diagnosis of abnormalities in the breast region. This examination is indicated, for example, in patients who present radiologically dense breasts, that is, in breasts where there is a higher incidence of fibroglandular tissue, which may impair the visualization of nodules by mammography.

This situation is very common, especially in patients under 35 years of age. In these cases, the doctor can use ultrasound to investigate the presence of breast lumps or cysts.  

Ultrasonography is also indicated whenever the patient presents any alteration in the mammography results. In this case, the ultrasonography works as a complementary examination to aid in the indication or not of a biopsy.

For women over the age of 35, the examination most recommended by doctors is mammography and, if necessary, ultrasound of the breasts.

When should I have a mammogram?

It is recommended that women undergo a mammography exam, at least once a year, between 40 and 69 years of age. The indication of the examination after the age of 70 is at the doctor's discretion.

If, during self-examination, the patient notices a nodule in the breast, she must see a doctor immediately because only the professional can indicate the need for diagnostic tests for breast cancer. 

When will I have a mammogram or breast ultrasound?

This will depend on the doctor's analysis. Only the professional can determine the need for one, the other or both tests.

Are ultrasound and mammography expensive?

The price of the exams varies according to the place where they are done, the technology used and your health insurance plan. For example, the Brazilian Unified Health System, SUS, offers mammography exams free of charge.

Some plans and packages may or may not include mammography or breast ultrasound examinations.

What if, after carrying out all the examinations, I still have doubts about the health of my breasts?


It is important that all the questions are asked to the doctor during the consultation, as only he/she will be able to give correct orientation.

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