Expert talk
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Expert talk

Can breast implants cause breast cancer?

Recently a possible association has been identified between the popularly known breast implants and the development of a very rare type of lymphoma, called anaplastic large cell lymphoma.
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Can I have a mammogram if I am breastfeeding?

During the first trimester of pregnancy the mammary gland undergoes a great hormonal stimulus, so be alert.
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Can breast cancer happen at any age?

Young women (under 40 years of age) usually do not consider themselves at risk for the disease. However, it is necessary to know the risk factors!
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What is the right age to start having a mammogram?

According to the Ministry of Health's INCA (National Cancer Institute), women should start to have mammograms from age 50 and every 2 years
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Live Dra Simone Elias and Joyce Pascowitch (14/10)

On 14/10 Joyce Pascowitch, Internet entrepreneur pioneer, held a chat with Dr. Simone Elias, MD, Mastologist, dedicated to the care of breast health for over 20 years. She is currently an adjunct professor at the Escola Paulista de Medicina of Unifesp, where she coordinates the Mastology outpatient clinic.
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Live Ana Hickmann and Andrea da Veiga Pereira (13/10)

On 13/10 our godmother, Ana Hickmann, honored us with her support in another pink October campaign and held a live chat with Andrea da Veiga Pereira, president of Américas Amigas. Check out this chat in full.
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The path to healing is lighter with the support of those we love

Insecurity, suffering, fear and uncertainty are some of the feelings that may go through the mind of a person who receives a diagnosis of cancer. In this scenario, the presence of a companion to provide support may be the key to accelerate the process until the cure.
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