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Why your company should support Américas Amigas: benefits and impact on the 2030 Agenda

The UN's 2030 Agenda, with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), offers a global framework for building a fairer, more inclusive and sustainable world. Companies that align their operations with these goals not only strengthen their corporate social responsibility, but also demonstrate a real commitment to a sustainable future. One of the most effective ways to contribute to these goals is to support initiatives such as Americas Friends, which works directly towards achieving several global targets.

By supporting Américas Amigas, your company is helping to advance SDGs 3 (Health and Well-being), 4 (Quality Education), 5 (Gender Equality), 10 (Reducing Inequalities), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 16 (Peace, Justice and Effective Institutions) and 17 (Partnerships and Means of Implementation). This support reflects your company's commitment to promoting a fairer and more sustainable society, demonstrating a lasting positive impact.

Health and well-being: SDG 3

Américas Amigas promotes access to quality healthcare by offering free mammograms and awareness campaigns, which are essential for the early detection of breast cancer. The impact of these actions is significant: they reduce mortality and improve the quality of life of the women served, especially those in situations of social vulnerability.

Quality education: SDG 4

As well as working directly with health, Américas Amigas also invests in education. The NGO holds workshops, lectures and information campaigns that disseminate knowledge about breast cancer prevention and health in general. These activities empower people to make informed decisions about their health, increasing awareness and empowerment.

Gender equality: SDG 5

Gender equality is central to Américas Amigas' mission. The NGO works to ensure that women in vulnerable situations have the same access to health care as other populations, promoting an environment of equity and justice.

Reducing inequalities: SDG 10

The work of Américas Amigas is essential to reducing inequalities in access to health. By providing health services to marginalized groups, the NGO contributes to a more equitable society, where everyone has access to the same opportunities for treatment and prevention.

Responsible consumption and production: SDG 12

Américas Amigas adopts sustainable practices in all its campaigns and programs, promoting the responsible use of resources. The organization also raises awareness in the community about the importance of sustainability in health, integrating this perspective into its actions.

Peace, justice and effective institutions: SDG 16

By promoting equitable access to health and defending women's rights, Americas Friends contributes to building a more just and inclusive society. These efforts reinforce peace and social justice, fundamental pillars for sustainable development.

Partnerships for the SDGs: SDG 17

Américas Amigas does not work alone. The NGO collaborates with governments, companies and other organizations to expand its reach and impact. These partnerships are vital for the effective implementation of programs and the sustainability of actions. By becoming a partner, your company helps to amplify these efforts, contributing to a support network that benefits thousands of women.

Supporting Américas Amigas is a powerful way for your company to demonstrate its commitment to the UN's 2030 Agenda. By investing in initiatives that promote health, education and equality, your company positions itself as a leader in social responsibility and sustainability. More than that: it makes a considerable difference to the lives of many women.

Get in touch and find out about the different ways you can be part of this work with us.  

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