
Donation of equipment

See the equipment donated by Américas Amigas

Donation of equipment & supplies

Started in 2009, the Equipment and Supplies Donation Program aims to help public and philanthropic hospitals set up or improve existing mammography services. The program has now donated 23 mammography machines from the north to the south of Brazil.

20 mammography machines in fixed units from north to south of Brazil

Of the 23 mammography machines donated, 20 are installed in fixed units from the north to the south of the country, both in SUS units and in philanthropic institutions.

3 mammography machines in northern Brazil in mobile units

Of the 23 mammography machines donated, 3 were installed in mobile units, including the mobile unit of the Patrocínio Cancer Hospital - Dr. José Figueiredo and the mammography machines on the Brazilian Navy ships Dr. Montenegro and Auxiliary Ship Pará, which provide access to mammography for the riverside populations of Amazonas and Pará.

Donation of inputs

In addition to mammography devices, the program has also benefited health services in 13 states by donating image scanners (CRs), stereotactic tables, dry printers, vacuum biopsy kits and systems, peripherals, core biopsy and mammotomy needles, mammography films, among other supplies. The number of mammograms already carried out on the donated mammography machines is currently 1,100,000 (one million one hundred thousand), but this number is increasing every day, as the tests are carried out continuously.

Donated mammography devices

See below for the location of the 23 mammography machines donated by Américas Amigas.
Barão de Lucena Hospital

BENEFICIARY: Hospital Barão de Lucena - Recife/PE
DONATION: Analog Mammography
DONORS: Chella and Moise Safra

Petrolinense Association for the Protection of Motherhood and Childhood - APAMI

BENEFICIARY: APAMI (Associação Petrolinense de Amparo à Maternidade e à Infância) - Petrolina/PE
DONATION : Analog Mammography
DONORS: Institutional Sponsors and Friends

Specialty Outpatient Clinic of the Municipality of Suzano

BENEFICIARY: Ambulatório de Especialidades do Município de Suzano/SP - Mammograph later transferred to the hospital Dr Hercílio Rodrigues, in Areia/PB
DONATION: Analog Mammograph
DONORS: Arymax Philanthropic Foundation - Feffer Family

HCPMRJ - Military Police Central Hospital of Rio de Janeiro

BENEFICIARY: Hospital Central da Polícia Militar do Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Digital Mammograph later transferred to Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro, in Niterói.
DONATION: Digital Mammograph
DONOR: Eike Batista

Brazilian Navy Auxiliary Ship Pará - Belém

BENEFICIARY: Hospital Ship Pará Auxiliar - Belém/PA
DONATION : Analog Mammography
DONORS: Institutional Sponsors and Friends

Marinha do Brasil Dr. Montenegro Ship - Manaus

BENEFICIARY: Dr. Montenegro Ship - Manaus/AM
DONATION: Analog Mammography
DONORS: Institutional Sponsors and Friends

Hospital Moinhos de Vento - Porto Alegre

BENEFICIARY: Núcleo de Mama Porto Alegre/RS - Digital Mammography Unit, later transferred to Hospital Restinga e Extremo Sul, in the greater Porto Alegre area.
DONATION: Digital Mammography Unit
DONOR: Grupo Gerdau

São Paulo Hospital -Unifesp

BENEFICIARY: UNIFESP Mastology Outpatient Clinic
DONATION: Analog mammography equipment subsequently transferred to the Nossa Casa de Apoio à Pessoas com Câncer Association in Fortaleza
DONORS: Institutional Sponsors and Friends

Fundação PIO XII - Fernandópolis Unit

BENEFICIARY: Pio XII Foundation - Fernandópolis Unit / SP
DONATION : Digital Mammography
DONORS: Institutional Sponsors and Friends

CECAN - Liga Norte Riograndense - Natal

BENEFICIARY: CECAN (Advanced Oncology Center) - Natal/RN
Analog Mammography and CR (Computerized Mammography System) later transferred to the Regional Hospital of Souza/PB
Lojas Riachuelo

Hospital Santa Izabel - Salvador

BENEFICIARY: Hospital Santa Izabel - Salvador/BA
DONATION: Analog Mammography and CR (Computerized Mammography System)
DONORS: Institutional Sponsors and Friends

M'Boi Mirim Hospital - São Paulo

BENEFICIARY: Hospital Municipal Dr. Moysés Deutsch (Hospital Municipal M' Boi Mirim) - São Paulo/SP
DONATION: Digital Mammography
DONOR: Banco Safra

UBS Ipava City - São Paulo

BENEFICIARY: Unidade Básica de Saúde Cidade Ipava - São Paulo/SP
DONATION: Digital mammography, later transferred to the Vila Santa Catarina Municipal Hospital in São Paulo
DONORS: Donata Meirelles and Nizan Guanaes

CEM/CEO - Municipal Medical Specialities Centre - Caraguatatuba

BENEFICIARY: CEM/CEO (Centro de Especialidades Médicas Municipal) - Caraguatatuba/SP
DONATION: Analog Mammography and CR (Computerized Mammography System)
DONORS: Maria Antônia and Roberto Civita

CAISM - Center for Integral Attention to Women's Health - Aracajú

BENEFICIARY: CAISM (Center for Integral Attention to Women's Health) - Aracajú/SE
DONATION: Analog Mammography and CR (Computerized Mammography System)
DONORS: Institutional Sponsors and Friends

Santa Marcelina Hospital - São Paulo

BENEFICIARY: Santa Marcelina Health Centre - São Paulo/SP
DONATION: Analog Mammography
DONORS: Institutional Sponsors and Friends

Mastology Outpatient Clinic at UNIFESP - São Paulo

BENEFICIARY: UNIFESP Mastology Outpatient Clinic - São Paulo - SP
DONATION: Multicare Table for Stereotaxis - Vacuum Biopsy System
DONORS: Pyramid Medical Systems / Hologic Inc.

Santo Antônio Hospital - Blumenau

BENEFICIARY: Santo Antônio Hospital - Blumenau/SC
DONATION: Digital mammograph later transferred to Mulheres de Peito de Campina Grande - Cuité/PB Unit
DONORS: Guilherme Weege; Doron and Marianne Livnat

Belarmina Monte Maternity Hospital - São Gonçalo do Amarante

BENEFICIARY: Hospital Maternidade Belarmina Monte - São Gonçalo do Amarante/RN
DONATION: Analog Mammography and CR (Computerized Mammography System)
DONOR: Coteminas S/A

Santa Casa de São Paulo - São Paulo

BENEFICIARY: Hospital Central da Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo - São Paulo/SP
DONATION: Digital Mammography
DONORS: Pyramid Medical Systems / Hologic Inc.

UBS Union of Vila de Taipas - São Paulo 

BENEFICIARY: Basic Health Unit Vila das Taipas - São Paulo/SP
DONATION: Analog Mammography and CR (Computerized Mammography System)
DONORS: Institutional Sponsors and Friends

Vila Nova Cachoeirinha Hospital - São Paulo

BENEFICIARY: Hospital Municipal e Maternidade Dr. Mário de Moraes Altenfelder da Silva (Hospital Vila Nova Cachoeirinha) - São Paulo/SP
DONATION: Analog Mammography and CR (Computerized Mammography System)
DONOR: Credit Suisse

Guarulhos General Hospital - Guarulhos

BENEFICIARY: Hospital Geral de Guarulhos - Guarulhos - SP
DONATION: Digital Mammography
DONORS: Barbara and Clifford Sobel

Dr. José Figueiredo Patrocínio Cancer Hospital - Patrocínio

BENEFICIARY: Patrocínio Cancer Hospital Dr. José Figueiredo - Patrocínio - MG
DONATION: Digital Mammography device installed in Mobile Unit
DONOR: Gol Linhas Aéreas

Vila Santa Catarina Municipal Hospital - São Paulo

BENEFICIARY: Hospital Municipal Vila Santa Catarina Dr. Gilson de C. Marques
DONATION: Digital Mammography transferred from UBS Cidade Ipava
DONORS: Donata Meirelles, Nizan Guanaes, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein and Grupo Iguatemi

Antônio Pedro University Hospital - Niterói

BENEFICIARY: Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro - Niterói - RJ
DONATION: Digital mammography transferred from Hospital Central da PMRJ
DONOR: Eike Batista

Restinga and Extremo Sul Hospital - Porto Alegre

BENEFICIARY: Hospital Restinga e Extremo Sul -Porto Alegre - RS
DONATION: Digital Mammography transferred from Hospital Moinhos de Vento
DONOR: Grupo Gerdau

Associação Nossa Casa de Apoio à Pessoas com Câncer - Fortaleza

BENEFICIARY: Associação Nossa Casa de Apoio à Pessoas com Câncer - Fortaleza - CE
DONATION: Analog mammography transferred from São Paulo Hospital
DONORS: Institutional Sponsors and Friends

Mulheres de Peito de Campina Grande - Dr Hercílio Rodrigues Hospital - Areia

BENEFICIARY: Mulheres de Peito de Campina Grande - Dr. Hercilio Rodrigues Municipal Hospital.
Analog mammograph later transferred to the Claudia Roberta Gomes Silva Dantas Women's Center in Esperança/PB
ONORS : Arymax Philanthropic Foundation - Feffer Family

Women of the Breast of Campina Grande - Cuité/PB Unit

BENEFICIARY: Mulheres de Peito de Campina Grande - Cuité/PB Unit
Digital mammograph transferred from Santo Antônio Hospital - Blumenau/SC

Women of the Breast of Campina Grande - Regional Hospital of Sousa/PB

BENEFICIARY: Mulheres de Peito de Campina Grande - Hospital Regional de Sousa/PB
Analog Mammography and CR (Computerized Mammography System) transferred from CECAN - Liga Norte Riograndense.


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