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Live Dra Simone Elias and Joyce Pascowitch (14/10)

On 14/10 Joyce Pascowitch, Internet entrepreneur pioneer, held a chat with Dr. Simone Elias, MD, Mastologist, dedicated to the care of breast health for over 20 years. She is currently an adjunct professor at the Escola Paulista de Medicina of Unifesp, where she coordinates the Mastology outpatient clinic.

Joyce and Dr Simone have been supporters and partners of Américas Amigas for many years and once again they spread the word about our work and its importance for Brazilian women during this meeting.

They began the chat with Dr Simone explaining about the partnership with us and the work that has been done over all these years, from the donation of the Mammography and Stereotaxis Table to the Program of Donation of Exams and Training Courses.

They also talked about the importance of mammography, the frequency with which the exam should be performed and why it is essential to obtain an early diagnosis. Dr Simone also explained at what age women should begin to undergo the exam. She also explained about the types of breasts and the most suitable exams in each case.

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Can breast implants cause breast cancer?

Recently a possible association has been identified between the popularly known breast implants and the development of a very rare type of lymphoma, called anaplastic large cell lymphoma.
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Can I have a mammogram if I am breastfeeding?

During the first trimester of pregnancy the mammary gland undergoes a great hormonal stimulus, so be alert.
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Can breast cancer happen at any age?

Young women (under 40 years of age) usually do not consider themselves at risk for the disease. However, it is necessary to know the risk factors!
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