
Cancer has no single cause

Genetic structure may be the answer

Between 80 and 90% of the manifestations are the result of external factors that alter the genetic structure (DNA) of the cells. These changes can be caused by external factors such as the environment, habits and lifestyle, or internal factors such as hormones and immunological conditions, which lead to genetic mutations in the structure of healthy cells.

Although genetic factors are determining factors for the appearance of cancer, cases that are exclusively due to hereditary, family and ethnic factors are not common.

In addition, it is important to point out that genetic factors can make some people more susceptible to the action of carcinogens.

Raise awareness

Therefore, one of our pillars of action is to raise awareness, so that more and more people know about the disease and the importance of prevention and early diagnosis. Whether through the donation of equipment, training of health professionals, awareness and information campaigns and even the donation of detection and diagnosis exams, we carry out a comprehensive work aimed at reducing mortality from breast cancer.

When breast cancer is detected early, the chances of curing the disease are up to 95%.

Learn more about the subject on the www.inca.gov.brwebsite

How to help?

For every R$100.00 raised, Americas Amigasenables a mammogram for a low-income woman. This can help her to have an early diagnosis, enabling a greater chance of cure against breast cancer.
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See also

4 breast cancer treatments

There are four subcategories of the disease and, therefore, steps must be taken according to each diagnosed case for the treatments to be successful. It is important to remember beforehand that responses to treatments vary from one woman to another, due to the unique metabolism traits of each organism.
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What is metastasis?

Metastasis is an invasion made by cancer cells to other organs in the body of an individual who initially had neoplasia in only one organ. In the case of breast cancer, for example, the tumour invades even the tissues of the lungs.
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Learn about the treatments for breast cancer in its 4 stages

In this article, we will look at breast cancer treatments for each of its four most common stages of development.
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