Risk factors for breast cancer involve some important evaluations, among which family history is a fundamental indicator. In particular, because we are talking about a disease which is responsible for 25% of all cases of cancer which affect women around the world.
In this way, family history contributes positively to understanding possible risk factors in patients. Therefore, we will understand a little more the relevance of knowing the records of relatives to evaluate the necessary care to prevent against the disease. Check it out!
Among the risk factors for breast cancer to be analyzed in preventive examinations and cancer diagnosis, the family history is one of the main ones, since the occurrence of the disease in other first degree relatives may indicate the existence of a genetic factor which increases the probability of breast cancer in the family. After all, it is a condition which may be facilitated by the occurrence of previous family pictures.
However, it is worth a warning: the absence of cases in the family does not mean that you are safe from the disease, or that the other members are safe from breast cancer. Family history is only one of a number of risk factors.
The problem lies in the fact that the occurrence may be potentiated by this factor. It is estimated that between 5% and 10% of breast cancer cases are related to the genetic factor. In these cases, people are advised to have preventive examinations before the age of 40 or 10 years before the age of the person whose family history has recorded the disease.
For example: if the mother of a patient had breast cancer at the age of 45, the ideal is that her daughters start the preventive examinations at the age of 35.
Faced with this family history factor in a patient's chart, it is important to carry out genetic mapping. Mapping is also very important in these cases. Through it, specialists trace the history of cancer of 3 previous generations, on average, to ascertain the risks.
For this, the test takes into account various personal data, such as:
- The age the patient was when diagnosed with cancer;
- The affected organ;
- If the disease has progressed and caused the death of the relatives.
With the results in hand, the patient's chances of having breast cancer are assessed, which allows for more intensive preventive treatment and follow-up.
Prevention is your best ally. Besides the care required if you have a family history, physical exercise and a healthy diet also contribute to the prevention of the disease.
Family history is, yes, an aggravating factor to be analysed and that contributes - minimally if at all - to the occurrence of breast cancer in people.
It is worth noting, however, that regardless of any suspicion you may have, the best way to prevent the disease is through mammography. This means that regardless of presenting any symptoms, you should have a mammogram annually if you are over 40 years old. Regardless of the presence - or not - recurrent visits to the doctor are fundamental to minimize the rates of breast cancer in the country.
Thus, take your doubts and suspicions to the doctor and create the habit of prevention, the best medicine against cancer. Thus, he and his team can examine and accurately diagnose your clinical picture, referring you to the eventual next steps - as is the case of mammography, one of the most important exams in this sense.
However, it is already worth reinforcing that your family history of cancer is a good starting point to become aware of the examination and periodic visits to the doctor. After all, although it is not one of the main risk factors for the disease, it is part of a list that must be followed up and monitored so that prevention and eventual treatments are carried out in time - which increases the chances of success.
Did you know that the incidence of breast cancer has increased year by year and that the chance of cure may lie in early detection and diagnosis of the disease?
When diagnosed early, the chances of cure from breast cancer are up to 95%.
What if you could join Américas Amigas and donate a mammogram to a low-income person who wouldn't have access to the exam if it weren't for your help?
Just make a donation of any amount here on our website.
For every R$100.00 raised, Americas Amigasenables a mammogram for a low-income woman. This can help her to have an early diagnosis, enabling a greater chance of cure against breast cancer.
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