Donation of Equipment & Supplies
Started in 2009, the Equipment and Supplies Donation Program aims to help public and philanthropic hospitals set up or improve existing mammography services. Of the 23 mammography machines donated, 20 are installed in fixed units from the north to the south of the country and 3 are installed in mobile units, including the mobile unit at the Patrocínio Cancer Hospital - Dr. José Figueiredo and the mammography machines on the ships Dr. Montenegro and Auxiliary Ship Pará, which bring access to mammography to the riverside populations of Amazonas and Pará.
In addition to mammography devices, the program has also benefited health services in 13 states by donating image scanners (CRs), stereotactic tables, dry printers, vacuum biopsy kits and systems, peripherals, core biopsy and mammotomy needles, mammography films, among other supplies.
The number of mammograms already carried out on the donated mammography machines is +1,100,000 at the moment, but this number is increasing every day as the tests are carried out continuously.