On 04/05 we held another golf tournament in support of the fight against breast cancer. The 12th Golf Cup took place at Boa Vista Farm and brought together friends, sponsors and players. The income of the event will be reversed for donation of detection and diagnosis of breast cancer.
We would like to thank our staff, friends and sponsors who supported us and made this event a success.
We had the honour of participating in the Pink October Event organised and held at the 43rdBPM/M, Forty-third Battalion of the Metropolitan Military Police.
Natuzzi São Paulo, invited a team of architects and interior designers to develop pieces and works of art using leather as the raw material, a material that already plays a leading role in the covering of the brand's furniture. The pieces produced will be exhibited until the 10/11 and then auctioned. All the income collected will be reverted to Americas Amigas.