Did you know?
In 2019 alone through the exam donation programme we donated more than 7,000 mammograms in various parts of Brazil.
Among the actions carried out we can mention:
"Mulheres Amigas" with an edition in the women's month and another in pink october; "Pintando a Paraíba de Rosa" with donation of 563 mammographies, 100 biopsies, 196 Pathology Analyses and 170 Immunohistochemical analysis in partnership with Mulheres de Peito of Campina Grande/PB; "Voluntários do Sertão" participation in the action supported by the Fleury Group and that took place in Poções/BA, with assistance to 410 women and enabling 407 mammographies, 20 complementary mammographies, 6 ultrasonographies and 9 biopsies, among others.
All these actions are developed exclusively with resources from donations, support and sponsorship from individuals and companies.
Learn about all the actions carried out in 2019: https://www.americasamigas.org.br/doacao-de-exames