Pink October
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Pink October is coming, be a company that saves lives  

Pink October is approaching and with it the opportunity to join forces in the fight against breast cancer. This international movement goes beyond a simple campaign; it is a global mobilization that seeks to raise awareness and educate the population about the importance of prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer, a disease that, when detected in time, has great chances of treatment and cure.  

Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death among women in Brazil and worldwide. According to the National Cancer Institute (INCA), more than 73,000 new cases of breast cancer are expected in Brazil in 2023. However, early diagnosis is one of the most effective weapons against mortality. When the disease is identified at an early stage, the chances of successful treatment increase and can reach up to 95%.

Pink October, therefore, is not just a month of awareness, but a call to action. During this period, donations to NGOs working to combat breast cancer, such as Américas Amigas, become even more important. These contributions make it possible for mammograms to be carried out for women who would otherwise not have access to this type of service. Mammography is an essential test for the early detection of breast cancer, capable of identifying tumors even before they are palpable, allowing for less invasive treatment.

From January to January, Américas Amigas works for the health of women in situations of social vulnerability throughout Brazil. The organization offers free breast cancer detection and diagnosis tests, as well as training health professionals who work in public and philanthropic hospitals. This work is fundamental to ensuring that low-income women have access to early diagnosis and, consequently, more effective treatment.

By supporting Américas Amigas, your company is not just making a donation, it is making a commitment to life and to society. The generosity of donors is what makes it possible to carry out more mammography tests, expanding the reach of the NGO's actions and helping to save lives. Every donation made during this month helps to increase the chances of early detection, showing how much your company values and cares for women's health.

During the month of October, Américas Amigas is stepping up its activities by putting into action its mobile mammography unit, which travels around Greater São Paulo, inland and along the coast, carrying out tests in outlying regions where access to health services is more difficult. This initiative is vital for reaching women who are often unable to seek regular medical attention.

The fight against breast cancer is a cause that needs everyone's support. Companies and individuals wishing to contribute can make a difference by supporting Américas Amigas during Pink October. Donations made this month not only help the NGO to continue offering free screenings, but also demonstrate a commitment to women's health and well-being. You and your organization can be part of this work and help Américas Amigas reach more people. Get in touch us and find out how to get involved.  

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See also

Américas Amigas action in Pink October 2023

Started at the end of September 2023, the Mobile Unit's journey in the state of São Paulo lasted until the first half of December.
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Women Friends Campaign - Pink October 2019

The "Women Friends in Pink October" action took place from October 1st to 31st in municipalities in Greater São Paulo and provided mammography and diagnostic ultrasound exams for 1,865 socially vulnerable women.
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Did you know?

The Amigas Américas Exams Donation Programme is present in all regions of Brazil.
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