
What is Advocacy

Advocacy is an English term used to indicate political practices of people or institutions in favor of a certain cause, through the creation of policies and laws.
And what are public policies?
According to the formal dictionary, public policies refers to activities developed by the government with the assistance of public or private entities to ensure citizenship rights for all.
Amigas Americas, as a FEMAMA affiliate, also participates in public policies in the area of health, specifically breast cancer, in favor of improvements in access to diagnosis and treatment of patients with the disease.
As a result in recent years, FEMAMA and its affiliates have been able to influence the Law of 60 days, or Law 12,732 of November 22, 2012, which ensures that the patient with a confirmed diagnosis of cancer is entitled to the start of treatment in the Unified Health System (SUS) within a maximum of 60 days and the Law of 30 days or Law No. 13,896 of October 30, 2019, which ensures that the patient with a suspected cancer has the right to the test for diagnosis in the Unified Health System (SUS) within a maximum of 30 days

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Américas Amigas has already offered some 30 thousand hours of training and capacity building

Through its Capacitation and Training Program, Amigas Américas has already offered about 30 thousand hours of improvement for technicians, doctors and other professionals in the mammography area from public and philanthropic institutions in 20 states or 77% of the Brazilian territory.
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NGO or OSCIP? What is the difference?

Américas Amigas is an OSCIP. Do you know the difference between NGO and OSCIP?
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Femama and Américas Amigas unite

Américas Amigas joins FEMAMA and together with other associates of the federation starts to influence the formulation of public policies for breast health care...
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