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The Blue November in the battle against Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the second type of cancer that kills more men in Brazil, second only to lung cancer. What brings even more concern is that, even with this alarming data, most men do not talk about it, not even seeking to prevent the disease.

Thinking of making the population, especially the male population, aware of the importance of prevention and early diagnosis of prostate cancer, the Blue November was idealized, a campaign that mobilizes society in the battle against this disease annually, around the world.

Prostate Cancer

The prostate is the focus of the tumour. It is a gland that surrounds the urethra, the channel that connects the bladder to the external orifice of the penis. The disease manifests itself at the cellular level, when there is uncontrolled growth of cells, which can form tumours in the prostate area.

This growth, most of the time, is slow and may not show any signs. It is a silent disease, making preventive examination and attention to the signs even more important. However, growth is not always slow, because in some cases metastasis occurs, which is when the tumour spreads quickly to other organs and causes death.

It is estimated that 1 in 6 men will develop prostate cancer during their lifetime. But it is possible to treat the disease if it is identified at an early stage. To confirm it, it is necessary to do a biopsy, which is indicated when any alteration is found in the blood test (PSA) or in the rectal touch.

That is why it is important to seek a specialist doctor and have your preventive examination if the man is over 40 years old.

The movement

Before the appearance of the movement in Brazil, known as Blue November, it already existed in several places in the world, known as Movember. Movember was created by two Australian friends in 2003, Travis Garone and Luke Slattery. The goal of the campaign was to raise funds to fight prostate cancer by using moustaches.

When men let their beards grow, they automatically saved money that would be used to buy shaving cream and razors and could use that money to help prevent prostate cancer. Besides the moustaches calling the attention of curious people, who would become new mustachios in favour of the movement, the campaign raised funds to fight prostate cancer.

Blue November in Brazil

Here in Brazil, the promotion of Blue November began in 2008, and is inspired by both Movember and Pink October.

How to reduce the chances of getting Prostate Cancer

  • Encourage your partner to adopt healthy habits, do their check-ups regularly and watch out for any changes in their urine.
  • If you are a man, especially those over 40, take advantage of this call and do the prostate exam as soon as possible!
  • Health must not be put off until later

Source: INCA / Ministry of Health / Instituto Lado a Lado pela Vida

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