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Breast Cancer in Men

Breast cancer is one hundred times less frequent in men than in women.

However, between 2005 and 2015, the number of deaths caused by this disease tripled in men. In 2015 alone, there were 187 fatal victims, according to a survey conducted by the Brazilian National Health System (SUS).

This increase in mapped cases may be related to increased awareness of breast cancer in men and the consequent increase in the diagnosis of these cases. Another important factor to be considered is that, unfortunately, there is still a large number of death certificates with "undefined causes" in Brazil, which makes it impossible to accurately count the number of fatal victims due to the disease.

In the period from 2005 to 2015, the increase in fatal cases of breast cancer in men occurred, mainly, in patients between 50 and 54 years of age and over 80 years of age. This is because, many times, the older patient or their family members choose not to submit the patient to a more invasive procedure such as surgery or even biopsy.

According to the US National Cancer Institute (NCI), factors such as excessive alcohol consumption, exposure to radiation and genetic factors may be linked to this increase in the number of cases over the past three decades.

The main risk factor for male breast cancer is the alteration in the BRCA2 gene, related to the DNA restoration process. For this reason, the vast majority of cases of breast cancer in men are linked to mutations in genes inherited from family members.

In the case of female breast cancer, there is also the possibility of mutation in BRCA2. However, factors such as alterations in the estrogen hormone and environmental issues may also be related to the formation of the disease.

The chance of cure may lie in the early detection and diagnosis of the disease, so it is very important to be aware of the signs and carry out medical tests periodically.

Can men get breast cancer?

According to the National Cancer Institute, about 200 men die of breast cancer in Brazil every year. While the number of women who go through the same is about 14 thousand. Check out this post how to identify the possible signs of breast cancer in men.

What if you could join Américas Amigas and donate a mammogram to a person who would not have access to the exam if it were not for your help?

Simply make a donation of any amount here on our website.

For every R$100.00 raised, Americas Amigas enables a mammogram for a low-income person. Early diagnosis increases the chances of cure from breast cancer.

Want to know more about breast cancer in men? Click here and check the article of the National Cancer Institute (INCA).

Want to know more about the American Cancer Society? Click here and access the organisation's website.

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