Breast cancer is a disease which concerns women in a very impacting way, since it affects women much more frequently than men and offers risks which should not be ignored. However, the lack of knowledge about this type of condition is common, which ends up preventing an early diagnosis and hinders successful treatment. In this article, we will clarify whether breast cancer hurts, so that you can understand the correct signs and understand how relevant it is to seek a specialist, so that your health is not compromised.
Does breast cancer hurt?
Breast cancer does not always hurt, as breast pain can be caused by factors that are not related to more aggressive diseases.
It is common to experience breast pain in some contexts, such as:
- in the early months of pregnancy;
- with the use of medication;
- excess milk during the breastfeeding period;
- hormone changes;
- even with the appearance of benign cysts.
Breast cancer generally only hurts when the disease is already in advanced stages, which is why all precautions for the immediate identification of cancer should be taken by each and every woman.
Thus, periodic visits to the mastologist and/or gynaecologist are fundamental for the prevention of this disease and even for its identification in its initial stages, when cure is more assured and the effects of the disease are less aggressive.
Commonly identified signs of breast cancer
Some signs are common to assist more effectively in identifying the possibility of the appearance of breast cancer. Swelling, redness, local heat, nodules and more sensitive skin are indicators that may suggest the onset of breast cancer; therefore, the importance of a mastologist's evaluation of these symptoms. Even because, the simple occurrence of these signs is not definitive to conclude that breast cancer is occurring, and may be non-specific. Only the clinical examination can safely state and direct the best treatment for the stage of development of the disease.
Breast pain should always be investigated
Even though breast pain is usually related to more common factors than a disease, in its initial phase it is important to always take care when you feel some type of discomfort, so that you can identify the causes of the pain and fight them properly. Self-examination in these cases is only a good way to identify the appearance of nodules (which can be benign or malignant) and, thus, medical evaluation and complementary examinations must be carried out in order to identify the causes and the correct and most efficient treatments. Having a periodic mammogram is the best indication to guarantee the health of the breasts and the safety of the woman.
Pain is not always cancer
A benign tumour is related to a dysfunction called fibroadenoma, which usually occurs in women under 30 years of age and in cases of people who have already undergone surgery. In these cases, it is possible to remove these nodules with small surgeries. In other words, fortunately, the occurrence of a tumour is no longer synonymous with a death sentence for a patient.
Conclusion on breast cancer and pain
As we have seen, one should not think that breast cancer hurts and only after this eventual symptom should one seek the help of a health professional who is a specialist in caring for this region. Performing self-examination is important, but does not substitute a diagnosis made by a doctor and complementary examinations such as mammography. It is important to have periodic breast monitoring, even after performing the self-examination, in order to guarantee your health in an effective way. Any help you may need about knowing if breast cancer hurts, for information about the moment of prevention or what to do if the disease is already developing, you can count on our support.