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12 famous people who overcame breast cancer

The battle against breast cancer is challenging. Often, the diagnosis knocks our self-esteem and we need constant support to get back on our feet and face the disease head on. And that's where inspiring stories from famous people can serve as a lesson for us.

In this article, we will point out 12 cases of celebrities who overcame breast cancer and whose stories can inspire others affected by the disease to do the same. Therefore, follow us in this reading and find new ways to strengthen yourself to overcome cancer with great strength!

  1. Joana Fomm

In 2007, the Brazilian actress was diagnosed with the disease and had a double mastectomy. It was a five-year battle - which kept her away, even, from TV work. Nowadays, however, the effort has paid off and Joana is cured.

  1. Jane Fonda

The veteran actress also faced the tough diagnosis in 2010 - in a routine examination. With that, there was no need for more invasive treatments, having the tumour removed with a surgery.

  1. Patrícia Pillar

One of the best-known faces of the Brazilian public on TV, Patrícia Pillar also faced a diagnosis of breast cancer. It was in 2002, and manifested in a rare form - known as Paget's disease.

For the treatment, several procedures were necessary, such as surgery and chemotherapy sessions.

  1. Sheryl Crow

The singer - most famous for her versions of Seet Child O' Mine by Guns N' Roses - discovered she had breast cancer in 2006.

At the time, she cancelled the tour she was touring and because of the early diagnosis, she did not need invasive procedures to get rid of the disease.

  1. Brigitte Bardot

One of the most famous actresses of all time also faced the diagnosis. At 82 years of age, she is now free of the disease.

  1. Kathy Bates

Another actress who has had her face stamped on dozens of films and series for decades. Off screen, Bathes has faced cancer on two occasions - in 2003 and 2012 - the first being ovarian cancer and the second breast cancer.

  1. Christina Applegate

In 2008, the actress also faced the diagnosis with a lot of personality and was an active voice in the prevention against breast cancer.

  1. Cynthia Nixon

A familiar face to those who followed the seasons of Sex and the City, the eternal Miranda was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006. Because of the early diagnosis, she had the tumour removed by surgery and radiotherapy.

  1. Kylie Minogue

The Australian singer discovered she had breast cancer in 2005. The treatment also kept her away from work for a while. It was three years of treatment - which included a partial mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy - but it paid off.

  1. Maggie Smith

Another veteran actress. Maggie Smith - made eternal as Professor Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter film series - discovered cancer in 2007, and faced treatment at the age of 73.

  1. Olivia Newton-John

Very famous as Sandy in Grease, Olivia Newton-John was diagnosed in 1992 and is now also active in scientific research on breast cancer.

So, can you see how these people can also serve as inspiration outside the artistic circles that made them famous? So that you also follow this example, visit our website and find out how to act harder to prevent the disease!

Do your part and help save a life by donating a mammography exam with Américas Amigas.

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