
Professionals from the Amazon undergo training at HC

The group started training at the Cancer Hospital and the activities continue over the next few days.

The NGO Américas Amigas has announced the presence of 20 professionals from Amazonas in Barretos for training in techniques for performing mammography exams.

The group began training yesterday at the Cancer Hospital and the activities will continue over the next few days.

The NGO's mission is to reduce mortality rates among Brazilians with breast cancer, especially among the low-income population, by means of early detection of the disease.

To this end, it donates mammography devices, trains professionals who perform mammography exams and promotes initiatives to raise awareness and provide information about breast cancer.

Of the 20 women participating in the activities at the HC, four are from Manaus and the others from remote areas of the state of Amazonas.

Source: odiarioonline.com.br | Date: 19/07/2016

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