Together Against Breast Cancer

Bringing free mammograms and other detection and diagnosis exams to women all over Brazil.

The Action

The action Mulheres Amigas Temporada Amazônia is a partnership between Amigas Américas and Daiichi Sankyo to promote information, detection and diagnosis of breast cancer to women in vulnerable situations in the Amazon region, including women from riverside communities.

The action truck will travel through municipalities in the north, northeast and central-west regions, taking free breast cancer detection and diagnosis exams to around 4,000 women.

There will be 95 days of travel, with 60 days of service. The action also involves training and capacity building of professionals from the public health system.

To apply for the service, women must register in advance. All safety protocols against COVID-19 will be strictly followed.

Free mammograms

*Our vacancies are limited and the registration is not the scheduling of the exam. Do not worry, your data is safe and will be kept confidential.

The selection of the beneficiaries will be based on social and medical criteria for breast cancer risk.

Free Mammograms

The Action will start in Palmas (TO) and move on to São Luís (MA), Belém (PA), Santarém (PA), Manaus (AM) and will end in Cuiabá (MT) on June 6th.

See below the calendar
of services in the truck:
08/03 to 17/03 | Palmas / Tocantins (sold out)
24/03 to 02/04 | São Luiz / Maranhão (sold out)
08/04 to 17/04 | Belém / Pará (sold out)
24/04 to 03/05 | Santarém / Pará (sold out)
11/05 to 20/05 | Manaus / Amazonas (sold out)
28/05 to 06/06 | Cuiabá / Mato Grosso (sold out)

*Our vacancies are limited and the registration is not the scheduling of the exam. Do not worry, your data is safe and will be kept confidential.

The selection of the beneficiaries will be based on social and medical criteria for breast cancer risk.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most incident malignant tumour among women and the main cause of female mortality from cancer in Brazil and worldwide. It usually occurs mainly in the 40-60 age group but can appear in younger patients (under 40) or over 70, so it is necessary to maintain a routine of prevention and self-care.

Why is early detection important?

The chances of cure are up to 95% when breast cancer is detected early.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of
Breast Cancer

Breast cancer generally does not hurt and many patients question why they should be tested if they feel nothing in their breasts. This is one of the main factors that determine actions and campaigns for mammography screening - one of the "most powerful weapons we have for the early diagnosis of this disease.

When a tumour is suspected, some changes may occur, including:

Skin Changes (reddened, shrinking or orange peel like skin)

Breast size or shape

Palpable (often painless) lump

Small lumps in the armpits

Peeling of the beak of the breast (nipple)

Discharge from the nipple in the following colours: transparent (like mineral water) and bloody


Yellowish, greenish or brownish discharge may be normal, but the doctor should always be consulted.


Mammography is an X-ray of the breasts, performed by X-ray equipment called a mammograph, which is able to visualise both normal structures and benign and suspicious alterations.Mammography is able to detect small (initial) breast lesions, which are still asymptomatic and cannot be noticed in physical examinations.

When should mammography be done?

The Brazilian Society of Mastology (SBM), the Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem (CBR) and the Federação Brasileira das Associações de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (FEBRASGO) recommend annual mammography for women over 40 years of age, aiming at obtaining early diagnosis and reducing breast cancer mortality.

However, if the woman has risk factors, such as breast or ovarian cancer cases, below the age of 50, in first-degree relatives (mother and daughter), the ideal is to start the screening before that age. In these cases, seek medical advice.

Always take your
last mammogram with you!
Free mammograms

But what about Pandemic?

A survey conducted by Fundação Instituto de Pesquisa e Estudo de Diagnóstico por Imagem - FIDI indicates a reduction of 42.6% in the search for mammography exams in 2020, compared to 2019. According to FEBRASGO, the performance of mammograms grew 25% in 2021, but is still below the pre-pandemic levels.

The fear of contracting the new coronavirus seems to be the main cause for the decrease in bookings for the examination.

On the other hand, 66,280 new cases of breast cancer were estimated for the triennium 2020-2022, according to the National Cancer Institute - INCA.

We know that the scenario of the COVID-19 Pandemic is delicate,but mammography is a form of breast cancer prevention and must be performed annually. Follow the protocols established by health authorities and keep your self-care routine up to date.

Free mammograms

Donate a mammogram to Américas Amigas

Donate with PIX

Point your mobile phone to the QR Code to donate with PIX or use our PIX key:

CNPJ: 10.594.583/0001-80